Organizational Introduction

Organizational Introduction

Leadership For Jobs and a New Economy (LJANE) is a 501c-4 non-profit organization, organized in 2011 and formally authorized in 2012. LJANE breaks down long standing barriers between conservation, labor, small business, and social justice and environmental justice organizations to form and facilitate pragmatic, public policy and campaign partnerships in the counties of the Central Valley and Sierra.

The Board of Directors of LJANE consists of recognized senior leadership from well-known California-based organizations, who direct the activities of a small, highly experienced organizing and political staff.

LJANE has a political action arm, SNOPAC (The Sierra Nevada Opportunity Political Action Committee) that facilitates candidate development and supports the campaigns of pragmatic, progressive candidates.  LJANE is also is the umbrella organization for a TIDES Foundation sponsored 501c-3, The Community Governance Partnership.

LJANE 501c-4 activities include the early identification and training of promising, first time candidates for county and state office; annual multi-day candidate and activist campaign staff trainings; and, the development of new campaign partnerships between labor, conservation, small business, and social and environmental justice interests.

SNOPAC takes the 501c-4 activities into the realm of political campaigns, providing counsel, strategy and communications assistance to trained progressive, pragmatic candidates and their staffs. SNOPAC often coordinates directly with labor and political organizations in these efforts, and sometimes takes a significant campaign role.

The LJANE activities under The Community Governance Partnership include Community Organizer Training, originally developed by staff in 2010 as The Sierra Organizing Academy; Community Partnership development, based on the successful Fresno Partnership model; Post-Governance Mentoring of newly elected officials by former office holders; SCS/Jobs Briefings, a program developed and presented to labor leaders, candidates and governmental bodies by well-known experts in Sustainable Community Strategies and job development; and, outreach to conservation organizations to inform 501c-3’s of allowable organizing and education campaign related activities under federal law.

The development of three distinct entities under one umbrella organization enhances LJANE organizing capabilities, training effectiveness, and campaign efficiencies. It also provides funders with an option for investment.

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